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Here's a collection of church signs
I created to amuse and/or enlighten you.

If you have a funny, amusing, or interesting church sign you would like to submit, please contact me.  I'm always looking for new submissions.
(No copyrighted material please.)   Thanks so much to the folks who sent in submissions...you know who you are.

Hey, at least now He has somewhere else He can go.

If you go to church regularly, you know it's true.


Good question!

Not just for Christmas...but all year long!

Oh man!  Looks like Jesus returned this morning and I missed it!

This one speaks for itself.

This one has a hidden meaning...literally!

He didn't just die for us Romans, He died for everybody!

OK People, let's get to church so they can fix their sign!

This one is a prayer request in reverse.

This one is funny for the content, AND the bad grammar.

When I saw this one, I KNEW I wasn't in the city anymore.
Church sign
'nuff said

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